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Wholefood Capsules Supplements


Hormonal System | Healthy Weight | No Sugar | Vegan Friendly

Helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.*

100 capsules
Case pricing is available for distributors only
Case pricing: Purchase 12 units for the price of 11 (Item Code 70130)

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Why should I take Sure-D™?

Maintaining balanced blood sugar levels is vital for overall good health. Sugar levels that spike too high can lead to unhealthy inflammation. A healthy, balanced, plant-based diet helps maintain normal metabolism and energy levels. Scientist have found the whole-food botanicals in Sure-D™ may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range, promote healthy digestive function, weight management, and overall wellness.*

What are good companion products for Sure-D™?

The ingredients found in Sure-D™ are complementary with the following products: EverNew®-D, Nutrifresh®-D, Phytotime™, 1-Shape Lite™, Nutricardia®, Aromantic®, Nutriall® Original, Refresh™, Vegecolor®, Orchestra™, Triflora™, D•I® and Millennium® Red botanical beverage. These products may contain natural occurring sugar, but do not contain added sugar. High sugar consumption may contribute to an increase in glucose levels. Following a healthy diet and reducing sugar consumption, as well as taking Sure-D™ is an integral part of an overall wellness plan and a healthy lifestyle.*

How quickly can I expect to experience beneficial effects from taking this product?

Please remember that our products are not drugs, nor are they a replacement for drugs and are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Our products contain wholesome food ingredients, which support a safe and gradual but significant change, without drug-related side effects. As part of a healthy lifestyle, the results you desire may occur gradually. We encourage you to use our products together with the four pillars of health taught in the science of Nutritional Immunology, which empowers people to improve their lifestyle by: (1) making balanced wholesome food choices, (2) staying positive and happy, (3) regular exercise, and (4) getting sufficient sleep.*

Will this product interact with any of my medications? Should I take it if pregnant, nursing, or have any health issues?

This information provided is intended for E. EXCEL USA only, and is in compliance with USA guidelines and regulations, pursuant to section 403(r)(6) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We at E. EXCEL North America strive to follow all governing regulations, labeling and testing for the USA following the guidelines from the FDA and FTC, and in Canada following the guidelines from Health Canada. Products and ingredients marketed in North America are currently registered in both Canada and the United States. Structure function claims may vary from country to country to meet each specific country rules and regulations. Therefore, E. EXCEL North America is not responsible for claims made in other countries.