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Vegan Friendly

Shaping up your health through exercise requires a lot of energy and effort and it’s easy to feel hungry and tired. Let 1-SHAPE™ and 1-SHAPE™ LITE be your companions on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.

30 • 18 g packets
Case pricing is available for distributors only
Case pricing: Purchase 12 units for the price of 11 (Item Code 710074)

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How will taking 1-Shape™ help with weight management?

Take one packet with water before meals to enjoy a light feeling of fullness. This complete formulation includes American Ginseng, plus 11 additional fruits and vegetables. Or, for a convenient, delicious and nutritious meal replacement, which includes an excellent source of fiber and a good source of plant protien, and only 140 calories, mix two packets of 1-Shape™ with 16 oz of water! Dietary fiber found in wholesome plant foods, may help maintain a healthy weight by providing a feeling of fullness to help curb appetite. It may also help with regularity and a healthy lifestyle. Take daily to support a healthy gut and to help with weight management goals!

What is the recommended daily intake (RDI) of dietary fiber?

According to the USDA, the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber for adults is 28 g per day.
• One packed of 1-Shape™ provides 5 g of dietary fiber, making it a “good” source of dietary fiber.
• Two packets of 1-Shape™ provide 10 g of dietary fiber, making it an “excellent” source of dietary fiber.

What is the recommended daily intake (RDI) of protein?

According to the USDA, the recommended daily intake of protein for adults is 50 g per day.
• Two packets of 1-Shape™ provide 6 g of plant protein, making it a “good” source of plant protein

Why is 1-Shape™ different than other weight-loss products on the market?

Continual healthy weight management is important to overall health and longevity. Most weight-loss supplements contain synthetic chemicals, and potent stimulants that artificially trick the body and unnaturally and unsafely rev-up metabolism, which may be associated with increased jitters. 1-Shape™ is specifically formulated with wholesome food ingredients to safely support long-term, gradual and sustainable weight management as part of a healthy lifestyle.

What are some good companion products with 1-Shape™ and 1-Shape™ Lite?

1-Shape™ is an integral part of a healthy weight lifestyle, when combined with a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and a positive attitude.
To help support healthy metabolic processes, weight management, overall health and wellbeing, include W•L® and Sure-D™.*
For hormonal support and weight management, include V-Estro™ and Vegaplex™.*
For increased energy and vitality support, include Celebration™, Ji-Lin Ginseng, and Concenergy®.*
To increase your plant-protein intake to prevent muscle loss, include Nutriall® Original or Nutriall® Berry with wholesome non-GMO soy.
To increase fruit and vegetable intake, also consider adding to your diet: Vegecolor® and Soup de E. EXCEL™. E. EXCEL’s signature products including Celebration™, Daily Nutritional Capsules, Millennium®, Millennium® Red, Millennium® Powder, Millennium® Gold, Poly 5®, and toTHINK™, always compliment any E. EXCEL products *

This information provided is intended for E. EXCEL USA only, and is in compliance with USA guidelines and regulations, pursuant to section 403(r)(6) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We at E. EXCEL North America strive to follow all governing regulations, labeling and testing for the USA following the guidelines from the FDA and FTC, and in Canada following the guidelines from Health Canada. Products and ingredients marketed in North America are currently registered in both Canada and the United States. Structure function claims may vary from country to country to meet each specific country rules and regulations. Therefore, E. EXCEL North America is not responsible for claims made in other countries.